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[tab icon=”” title=”June 7, 2012″]
[icon name=”camera6″ style=”” color=”” size=”16″ ] WELCOME OPENING | Pascal Boileau, MD |
Immobilization in External Rotation of First Dislocations: | Sigurd Liavaag, MD, PhD |
Do Bankart Lesions Heal Better? Is Recurrence Lower? | |
Arthroscopic Stabilization of First-Time Dislocation: A Randomized Trial Study | C. Michael Robinson, MD |
Arthroscopic Bankart Repair: Crying on my 10 Years FU Results! | Alessandro Castagna, MD |
Long-term Results after Arthroscopic Shoulder Stabilization Using Suture Anchors | Jaap Willems, MD |
Patient Selection for Arthroscopic Bankart: The ISIS score Revisited! | Dominique Rouleau, MD |
The Hill-Sachs Lesion: How to Measure it with 2D-CT? Which Size is Critical? | Anthony Miniaci, MD |
Arthroscopic Hill-Sachs Remplissage: Where Does It Come From? Where Does it Go?… | Eugene Wolf, MD |
Hill-Sachs Remplissage: Does it Limit Shoulder Motion? Does it Really Work?.. | Kieran O’Shea, MD |
Open Latarjet versus Arthroscopic Bankart Repair: A Case-Control Study | Charles Bessière, MD |
Results after Bristow-Latarjet are Better than After Bankart Repair! | Lennart Hovelius, MD |
Arthroscopic Bony Bankart Repair: How to Do it? Does It Pass the Test of Time? | Hiroyuki Sugaya, MD |
Potential Injury of the Suprascapular Nerve During Latarjet Procedure | Alexandre Laedermann, MD |
Open Latarjet Procedure: How to Make it Simple and Reproducible! | Gilles Walch, MD |
The Cape Town Approach for Latarjet Procedure: Is There a Benefit to Flip the Bone Block?… | Joe De Beer, MD |
Arthroscopic Latarjet: Results, Pitfalls & Complications | Laurent Lafosse, MD |
The Open Bristow-Latarjet Procedure: Looking at the 25 years Results | Lennart Hovelius, MD |
Arthroscopic Bristow-Latarjet-Bankart (2B3) Procedure: 2 to 5 years Results | Charles-Edouard Thélu, MD |
[icon name=”camera6″ style=”” color=”” size=”16″ ] ANTERIOR INSTBAILITY V |
Arthroscopic Reconstruction of the Glenoid with Iliac Bone Graft | Markus Scheibel, MD |
Arthroscopic Trillat: Another Crazy French Operation | Daniel Schwartz, MD |
Decision-Making Process for the Treatment of Recurrent Anterior Instability | Pascal Boileau, MD |
[icon name=”camera6″ style=”” color=”” size=”16″ ] AC-JOINT STABILIZATION |
Arthroscopic Assisted Ligament Reconstruction in AC-Joint Separation | Markus Scheibel, MD |
Arthroscopic Weaver-Dunn-Chuinard (WDC) for Chronic Ac-Joint Separation | C. Trojani, MD & O. Gastaud, MD |
[icon name=”camera6″ style=”” color=”” size=”16″ ] POSTERIOR INSTABILITY |
Acute Traumatic Posterior Shoulder Dislocation: | C. Michael Robinson, MD, FRCS |
Epidemiology, Risk of Recurrence & Functional Outcome | |
Classification of Chronic Recurrent Posterior Shoulder Instability Revisited | Marie-Beatrice Hardy, MD |
Arthroscopic Posterior Bone Block Using Screws: A New Challenge! | Daniel Schwartz, MD |
Arthroscopic Posterior Bone Block Using Sutures-Anchors with Bankart Repair: | Pascal Boileau, MD |
Technique & Results | |
Locking Plates for Proximal Humerus Fractures: Complications & Pitfalls | Philippe Clavert, MD |
The Pathoanatomy of Displaced 2, 3 & 4-Part Fractures Revisited | P. Boileau, MD & T. d’Ollonne, MD |
Results of a New Locked IM Nail Designed for PHF Fixation | A. Hatzidakis, MD & T. d’Ollonne, MD |
Can Surgeons Predict What Makes a Good Hemiarthroplasty for Fracture? | Pascal Boileau, MD |
Reverse Fracture Prosthesis: A New Treatment Option for The Elderly | Lauryl Decroocq & Tjarco Alta, MD |
Doubled Suture & The ”Nice Knot» : How to Make it? When to Use it? | Ghassan B. Alami, MD |
[tab icon=”” title=”June 8, 2012″]
[icon name=”camera6″ style=”” color=”” size=”16″ ] ROTATOR CUFF REPAIR I | |
Whose Rotator Cuff Tear Should We Fix and Whose Should Not Be Fixed? | Christian Gerber, MD |
Transosseous Repair or Transosseous-Equivalent Suture Bridge? | Andy Green, MD |
Beware of Simple and Double Row Evangelists!… | James Esch, MD |
SR versus DR Cuff Repairs: A Systematic Review of the Clinical Outcomes | Joshua Dines, MD |
Low Rate of Tendon Healing… But Minimal Influence on Clinical Outcomes! | Philippe Hardy, MD |
Arthroscopic Double-Row Repair: Double Trouble?… | Pascal Boileau, MD |
[icon name=”camera6″ style=”” color=”” size=”16″ ] ROTATOR CUFF REPAIR II |
How and Why Should we Look for Muscle Fatty Infiltration? | Gilles Walch, MD |
Why and How to Approach Tendon Delamination? | Hiroyuki Sugaya, MD |
Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair with or without Acromioplasty? | Peter Lapner, MD |
Arthroscopic Side-To-Side Rotator Cuff Repair: The Benefits of No-Row Repair | Eugene Wolf, MD |
Immobilization After Cuff Repair Improves Anatomical & Clinical Results | Jean-François Kempf, MD |
Can We Improve Healing in Rotator Cuff Repairs? | Joshua Dines, MD |
Strategies in Biologic Augmentation of Cuff Repair: A Review | John Sperling, MD |
Addition of PRF: Better Vascularization… But Not Better Healing! | Matthias Zumstein, MD |
Ultrasound Evaluation of the Rotator Cuff: Let the Shoulder Surgeon Do it! | Don Buford, MD |
Subcapularis Tendon Tear: an Anatomic & Clinical Investigation | Hiroyuki Sugaya, MD |
Arthroscopic Management of Subscapularis Tears: Repair Inside the Box! | Alexandre Laedermann, MD |
Arthroscopic Subscapularis Repair: No, Repair Outside The Box! | Laurent Lafosse, MD |
Isolated Tears of the Subscapularis: Cut the Biceps and Leave it Alone! | T. Bradley Edwards, MD |
[icon name=”camera6″ style=”” color=”” size=”16″ ] IRREPARABLE ROTATOR CUFF TEARS I |
Tendon Transfer / Reverse Prosthesis | |
The Teres Minor: The Forgotten Muscle of the Shoulder | Gilles Walch, MD |
The ADLER Score: How to Quantify the Loss of Active External Rotation? | Adam Rumian, MD |
Combined Loss of Active Elevation and External Rotation (CLEER) | Walter McClelland, MD |
RSA + Latissimus Dorsi Transfer: Complications & Results | Christian Gerber, MD |
How to Rebalance the Cuff Deficient Shoulder? | Pascal Boileau, MD |
[icon name=”camera6″ style=”” color=”” size=”16″ ] IRREPARABLE ROTATOR CUFF TEARS II |
Predictive Factors for Deficit of Active Mobility in Massive Rotator Cuff Tears | Philippe Collin, MD |
Irreparable Supraspinatus Tendon Tears : Partial Repair is Enough! | Giuseppe Porcellini, MD |
Massive, Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears : The Value of Biceps Tenotomy/Tenodesis | Nicolas Bonnevialle, MD |
Open Latissimus Dorsi Transfer: Technique, Indications & Limits | Christian Gerber, MD |
Arthroscopic Latissimus Dorsi Transfer: Is It safe? What are the Indications? | Jean Kany, MD |
[tab icon=”” title=”June 9, 2012″]
[icon name=”camera6″ style=”” color=”” size=”16″ ] I – COMPLICATIONS OF HEMIARTHROPLASTY | |
Complications of HA for the Rotator-Cuff Deficient Shoulder | Joshua Dines, MD |
Hemiarthrosplasty for Proximal Humeral Fractures: Are the Chinese Complications Different? | Chunyan Jiang, MD |
Loosening of Cemented and Uncemented Humeral Stems | Robert H. Cofield, MD |
Interactive Case Presentations & Discussion + Audience Vote & Participation (10′) | |
[icon name=”camera6″ style=”” color=”” size=”16″ ] II – AVOIDING COMPLICATIONS IN HEMIARTHROPLASTY |
Long-term Survival of Hemiarthroplasty at 20 years: | John Sperling, MD |
Who are the Patients at Risk for Complications & Revision? | |
What are the Best Indications for a Hemiarthroplasty? | Luc Favard, MD |
Hemiarthroplasty & Biological Resurfacing: Does it Solve the Problem of Glenoid Erosion? | Buzz Burkhead, MD |
Interactive Case Presentations & Discussion + Audience Vote & Participation (10′) | |
[icon name=”camera6″ style=”” color=”” size=”16″ ] III – COMPLICATIOS WITH STEMLESS SHOULDER ARTHROPLASTY | |
Complications of the TESS™ Shoulder Arthroplasty | Laurent Beguin, MD |
Complications of the ECLIPSE™ Shoulder Prosthesis: Is a Stemless Prosthesis Better? | Mark Tauber, MD |
Complications of the SIMPLICITI™ Shoulder Prosthesis | Philippe Collin, MD |
Mini Battle: Hemiarthroplasty versus Stemless Prostheses + Audience Vote & Participation (10′) | |
Arthrosurface HEMICAP™ Shoulder Arthroplasty: Complications & Limits | Anthony Miniaci, MD |
Resurfacing Humeral Prosthesis: Failure to Reconstruct the Anatomy?… | Pierre Mansat, MD |
Complications of Resurfacing Humeral Prosthesis: A Multicenter Experience | Lionel Neyton, MD |
Mini Battle: HEMICAP versus RESURFACING versus HEMI + Audience Vote & Participation (10′) | |
[icon name=”camera6″ style=”” color=”” size=”16″ ] V – COMPLICATIONS WITH ARTHROTOMY & EXPOSURE IN TSA | |
Point / Counterpoint: Avoiding Subscapularis Rupture and Insufficiency in TSA: | |
– Lesser Tuberosity Osteotomy is the Best! | Christian Gerber, MD |
– No way, Subscapularis Tenotomy is Better! | John Sperling, MD |
The Subscapularis Sparing Approach: Analysis of Implant Positioning and Results | Laurent Lafosse, MD |
Periprosthetic Humeral Fractures during Shoulder Arthroplasty | Tom Norris, MD |
[icon name=”camera6″ style=”” color=”” size=”16″ ] VI – HUMERAL COMPLICATIONS IN TSA |
Humeral Osteolysis After Cemented or Uncemented Shoulder Arthroplasty | Andrew Green, MD |
Cemented versus Uncemented Humeral Stem Fixation in TSA | Robert McCormack, MD |
Humeral Osteolysis in TSA: Frequency? Causes? | Patric Raiss, MD |
Early Experience with the Use of an Uncemented Short Humeral Stem | David Dines, MD |
– The Biomet™ Experience | |
Can a Short-Stem Avoid the Potential Complications of the Longer Stems? | T. Bradley Edwards, MD |
– The Aequalis Ascend™ Experience | |
[icon name=”camera6″ style=”” color=”” size=”16″ ] VII – GLENOID COMPLICATIONS IN TSA |
Cemented Glenoid Implants in Primary Osteoarthritis: | Markus Loew, MD |
Should We Worry about Radiolucent lines? | |
Complications of Uncemented, Metal-back Glenoid Implants: | Alessandro Castagna, MD |
Personal Experience & Literature Analysis | |
Survival of the Glenoid Component in TSA | John Sperling, MD |
Loosening of the Glenoid Implant in TSA: Mechanical? Biological? Or Both?… | Gilles Walch, MD |
Glenoid Erosion or Loosening in Shoulder Arthoplasty: So, What To Do?… | Pascal Boileau, MD |
Influence of the Learning Curve to Avoid Complications of Anatomical TSA | |
What did I changed to avoid Complications? Indications? Technique? Prosthetic Design? Rehabilitation?… | |
[icon name=”camera6″ style=”” color=”” size=”16″ ] VIII – UNEXPECTED COMPLICATIONS AFTER TSA |
Secondary Rotator Cuff Ruptures after Anatomical TSA | Allan Young, MD |
Anterior & Posterior Instability after Anatomical TSA | David Dines, MD |
High Rate of Positive Cultures in Revision Shoulder Arthroplasty | James Kelly, MD |
Cardiopulmonary Complications & Early Mortality Following Shoulder Arthroplasty: | Robert. H. Cofield, MD |
The Place of Anticoagulation? | |
[icon name=”camera6″ style=”” color=”” size=”16″ ] IX – PROBLEMS & COMPLICATIONS AFTER RSA | |
Long-Term Radiological Changes After Cemented & Uncemented Grammont RSA | Barbara Melis, MD |
Humeral Lysis and Loosening in RSA: the Humerus is the Weak Link! | Chris Chuinard, MD |
Scapular Notching: Is it Really a Problem? Can we Prevent it? | Christophe Lévigne, MD |
What are the Instability and Infection Rates after Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty? | T. Bradley Edwards, MD |
Postoperative Prosthetic Instability after RSA: How to Avoid it? | Anders Ekelund, MD |
[icon name=”camera6″ style=”” color=”” size=”16″ ] X – PREVENTION OF COMPLICATIONS IN RSA |
Point / Counterpoint : Lateralization in RSA | |
– Humeral or Glenoid Lateralization or Both? | Mark A. Frankle, MD |
– Metallic or Bony Lateralization? | Philippe Valenti, MD |
– Does Lateralization Prevent Notching and Instability?… | Pascal Boileau, MD & N. Morin-Salvo, MD |
Infection after RSA: How to Avoid it? | Daniel Molé, MD |
Complications of Revision Shoulder Arthroplasty to RSA | Frank Gohlke, MD |
Glenoid Complications in RSA: Can We Avoid Them? | François Sirveaux, MD |
Influence of the Learning Curve to Avoid Complications after RSA + Audience Vote (10′) | |
What did I changed to avoid Complications? Indications? Technique? Prosthetic Design? Rehabilitation? | |
[icon name=”camera6″ style=”” color=”” size=”16″ ] CONCLUSIONS – What Did We Learn Today? |
Avoidance & Prevention of Complications in HA, SRA, and TSA Shortening the Learning Curve! | Gilles Walch, MD |
Avoidance & Prevention of Complications in RSA – Shortening the Learning Curve! | Pascal Boileau, MD |